BYU ECEn 564 Radar and
Communication Systems
Fall Semester 2023 3 credit hours
Class meets at: 2:00 - 2:50 MWF in CB406
Instructor: Dr. David G. Long, Professor, Office: EB450C
Course Description: This course covers the design and performance of radar and satellite communication systems: radar equation ambiguity functions, modulation, signal detection, link budgets, spread spectrum, system design, and performance trade-offs. We will primarily cover only conventional surveillance radar systems
Course Objectives: Enable the student to perform high-level system design and performance analysis of conventional surveillance radars and modern satellite communication systems.
Prerequisites: Advanced calculus, statistics, and Fourier transform theory required. Background in EM theory (ECEn 360), and signal processing (ECEn 380) required. Recommend background in communications (ECEn 485), but this is not required. See instructor for exceptions and/or special cases.
Texts: There are two text books for this classes. Both are required. Handouts and supplementary material may be supplied. You'll want to keep these books for your permanent library.
recommended useful secondary text is
Related texts and references:
B.R. Mahafza., Radar Systems
Analysis and Design Using Matlab, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2005.
Skolnik, Radar Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1990.
Raemer, Radar Systems
Principles, CRC Press, 1997.
DiFranco and Rubin, Radar
Detection, Artech, 1980.
Brookner, Aspects of Modern
Radar, Artech, 1988.
Nathanson, Radar Design Principles,
McGraw Hill, 1991.
Curlander and Mcdonough, Synthetic
Aperture Radar, John Wiley, 1991.
Ziemer and Tranter, Principles
of Communications, John Wiley, 1988.
Instructor's Philosophy: I emphasize system-level design and analysis with a systems approach to engineering. My goal is to help you develop intuition and real understanding. While understanding the mechanics of using engineering concepts and techniques is, of course, critical, knowing when to apply a given technique can be even more important.
I believe that my role as an instructor is to expound upon the reading material and homework and provide additional examples and explanations as needed. It is your responsibility to read the reading assignments prior to coming to class and participate in the class by actively listening and asking questions in order to understand the material. Tests are designed to evaluate your ability to apply what you have learned. Homework assignments are designed to reinforce what you have learned and provide practice using what you have learned. Since this is a graduate course, the homework will be assigned but not graded. Your grades will be based on your test performance and a project report.
Reading: Reading will be assigned in each class period for the next period. Readings will be primarily from the text but may include additional sources and handouts. Pre-lecture quizes regarding reading assignments may be given at the instructor's discretion. Each student will be required to write a well-prepared report (10-15 pages, single space, with figures) on a design project for a particular radar and/or communication system. Along with the report, students will prepare a 15 min lecture with viewgraphs to be presented to the class. Reports and lecture will be graded by the instructor and the class.
Grading: Mid-term Exam 35% Final Exam 40% Report & Lecture 25% Total 100%
Exams: The mid-term exam will be administered in class on a date to be determined. The final will be from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm Wednes day, Dec. 14, 2023. The final will be comprehensive. Test questions will primarily be problem solving and design/analysis problems with at least one synthesis problem. I give partial credit. Tests are primarily demonstrations of the student's ability to apply the things they have learned to solve realistic problems.
Note: no late exams will be given.
Homework: Homework will not be graded. However, test questions will be adapted from homework questions so it is in the student’s best interest to work ALL of the homework problems. I encourage you to work together on the homework.
Honor Code: You will be expected to observe all aspects of the BYU honor code including the dress code. Your exams and reports must be your own work. From the University instructions: "In keeping with the principles of the BYU Honor Code, students are expected to be honest in all of their academic work. Academic honesty means, most fundamentally, that any work you present as your own must in fact be your own work and not that of another. Violations of this principle may result in a failing grade in the course and additional disciplinary action by the university. Students are also expected to adhere to the Dress and Grooming Standards. Adherence demonstrates respect for yourself and others and ensures an effective learning and working environment. Please call the Honor Code Office at 422-2847 if you have questions about the honor code.
Legal Stuff: Preventing Sexual Harassment. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds. The act is intended to eliminate sex discrimination in education. Title IX covers discrimination in programs, admissions, activities, and student-to-student sexual harassment. BYU's policy against sexual harassment extends not only to employees of the university but to students as well. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender based discrimination, please talk to your professor; contact the Equal Employment Office at 422-5895 or 367-5689 (24-hours); or contact the Honor Code Office at 422-2847. Students With Disabilities: Brigham Young University is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (422-2767). Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by the SSD Office. If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures. You should contact the Equal Employment Office at 422-5895, D-282 ASB.